It is a little past Hannah's birthday, and by a little I mean 2 weeks little.... I almost just waited till exactly 1 month, but I can do it now:) So here is my little post just for Hannah!
I have decided that birthdays should not be about the kid. Because, what is it the mom thinks about when it is birthday time? It looks like this, "wow, 1 year ago, (or 2, 3, 4,...) I was in labour. I endured ________, I went through ___________, and I felt like ___________ to bring you into the world. I can't believe it has been a whole year since I did that!" Don't lie! You know you have this same conversation for every birthday! It may only be in your head, but it is still there. So, birthdays should be about the mother who went through...heck...to get the child here. It makes sense, the more kids you have, the more celebration you deserve! ok, ok, I'm only mostly joking here.... back to Hannah.
Truely I can't believe Hannah is a year old already! She is so stinking cute!!! She brings so much into our family. For any twihards out there, if you remember the special power Jasper has of influencing people, that is Hannah. Yes, if Hannah were a vampire, she would control your feelings :) She is very compelling. Everyone that meets her instantly falls in love with her. It's like they just can't help it. She is best friends with EVERYBODY. No problems going to strangers for this little social butterfly. Even today at church, she walks to the pew in front of us and smiles at the couple like she belongs with them. They pick her up and play with her till sacrament was over. Then Kyle had her in priesthood and the husband of that couple took her again and played with her for 40min. Really? What dad in priesthood would take a child that wasn't theirs? Maybe in Relief Society yes, but priesthood? There is just something about her that people are drawn to.
She really is a social butterfly. She has to be with somebody all the time! She loves playing and just being involved with what is going on. And if she doesn't like something, she will let you know. She is not afraid to get in there and hit, kick, bite anything. I guess with 2 big brothers she has to hold her own!
She is super close to walking all the time. She can take about 6-8 steps by herself before she thinks she needs to grab on to something. She is ALWAYS in PINK! I love having a little girl to dress up. Now, if only she would grow some hair! I have seriously considered shaving her baby hair off so that the other hair will grow in, but I just can't get myself to get rid of the little hair she does have....
Hannah loves to sleep in. If we let her, she will sleep till 10 or 11 in the morning and wake up talking and chatting. But we usually wake her up to take daddy to work about 7:30 and even then she gets up all smiles.
Hannah is such a sweet little girl. And I'm so excited to continue to get to know her!
1 comment:
I bet you are glad that she is out of the fussy stage from when she was really little! She is a cutie! I heard that it's just you coming to Ohio for Bryant's farewell. I'm bummed that your whole family won't be coming!!! (Also, birthdays should be for moms...and I love the idea of the more kids you have, the more you get to celebrate! :D So funny!)
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